Monday, September 12, 2011

Yarn Inventory Released!

Yarn Inventory has been released!  This app allows you to inventory and keep track of yarns you own and/or need as well as templates to allow for much easier data entry.  Fill out and save a template, open the template as a basis for a yarn entry, then simply fill out the color and you're done!  You can then use this method over and over again for all your yarn in a particular line!  It keeps track of yarn you own and need, so viewing just the yarn you need acts as a "shopping list."

Some background information: I've been working on this for 3 or 4 weeks, but after 2 days of awful football (UGA and Falcons) I finally got a version cranked out that I feel comfortable with deploying.  It's still missing a few features, but all of the key features are there.

Get Yarn Inventory on the Android Market

This app was a suggestion from a user.  Thanks Molly!  What it does is simplifies yarn inventory and data entry.  This is the main screen with the menu up:

At the top are 2 toggle buttons.  If "Yarn I Own" is on, then the list will only show yarn I've input that my quantity owned is greater than 0.  "Yarn I Need" is similar except it acts on the quantity needed.  You can see in each like it displays the color, weight and manufacturer, however only the color field is required.

The menu helps you organize this view, and also let's you add your yarn and yarn templates.  If you select "Add Yarn" you'll see this dialog:

This screen allows you to select from 1 of 3 templates to begin your yarn entry.
  1. Empty - A completely blank template.
  2. User Templates - These are templates you have added.
  3. Preloaded Templates - These are templates added by the very nice person who suggested I write this app in the first place, Molly.  She updates these from time to time with all of the info from a particular yarn type.  After she's updated the list then I drop it into the application and redeploy it.
If a preloaded template was selected, this is what you'd see:

With the exception for the top field, color, all of this information was automatically filled out.  After you've saved, you'll see this new yarn on your main screen (assuming it's not filtered out)!

I mentioned a few features were missing in this release.  As of now, these are features that are 100% going into the app soon.
  • I want the sorting, grouping, and filtering options to be saved between sessions.
  • While you can add new user-defined templates, there's is currently no functionality to change or remove them.  This is probably the first thing I'll get working.
  • On the edit yarn/template screen, the following fields will be autocomplete fields based on what has already been entered into the user-defined templates, preloaded templates, and yarn entered:
    • color
    • manufacturer
    • line
    • weight
    • fiber
    • needle rec.
    • hook rec.
    • gauge
  • I also plan a needle/hook inventory screen to keep track of those.
So that's it for now, please let me know if I need to add any features or simply let me know what you think.  As always, if you have any suggestions email me at!

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